Linen Drawer: Wash Me Gently

Why spend time reading washing instructions? The short answer is that you should to preserve the life of the items you are washing!

The Linen Drawer shares some helpful tips for understanding your laundry labels and applying the correct washing techniques to extend the life of your precious goods!

Let’s talk about icons

The symbols on laundry care labels have been developed to be universally accepted and understood. Deciphering it makes it easy to wash that gorgeous blazer you bought in London, or the silk blouse from Seoul.

Basically, it’s broken down into 5 types of codes – each representing a part of the washing process.

what are they?

Wash basin – washing – often indicates the temperature in degrees Celsius – for example, 60 ° C
Box – Drying – How should it be dried
Iron – Ironing settings to use, and whether you can iron
Triangle – bleach – can you and what kind of bleach
Circle – dry cleaning

See below for more icons

The above may sound daunting (and a lot) but once you get the hang of things, your laundry day can be a breeze!

Furthermore, laundry care labels are not randomly created. Instead, they are carefully created to ensure that the product is properly cared for.

Therefore it is very important to read the washing care label and apply the washing method for this product. This enables you to optimally enjoy using this product.

Hang it up!

If you’re like us, you need a constant reminder that laundry day has come, so why not prominently display laundry labels in your laundry area! The Linen Drawer team has come up with some great ideas. One such idea is to frame the icons as a “picture” to hang inside your laundry closet (or behind the laundry door).

Reading laundry care labels is like learning a new language! With practice, it becomes easy, as we remember the five categories of symbols – washing, drying, ironing, bleaching, and dry cleaning.

in Linen drawer The team often tells customers if products can be machine washed and dried, so they cleverly print it on the outer packaging as well as on the laundry care label sewn onto the product. Double reminder when you need it!

This is done for two reasons:

  • Helping you with the care process makes buying products easier.
  • Drawer Linen products are built to last – taking care of them ensures that you don’t need to replace items frequently, thus reducing the environmental impact of manufacturing cotton products.

The thing we love about Linen Drawer is that they are always willing to help! If you need any assistance with washing or removing stains, you can contact them directly. They are definitely experts in their field and always willing to share knowledge.

Call the linen drawer in [email protected] Or call +27 21872 0108.

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